We entered the term "graduation" in the CREDO Reference search screen (you can do the same from home with a valid username and password, or from the Evans Library when we're open) and found a lot of information. One of the first resutls we found was an entry from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. It states that "graduation" means:
"Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies"
That's exactly what's happening for over 300 students tonight at FM! Congratulations to each and every one of them. But, we hope you don't stop there, there's a whole world of information out there waiting for you to discover. Luckily, CREDO makes finding that information a little easier. Another reason we like CREDO so much it that once we know what we're looking for - items (books, articles, etc.) that relate to graduation we can quickly access those items. CREDO is linked to virtually every other place you can find information in the Evans Library. When searching CREDO if you:
- Want to find books on graduation? --> Click on the "Search FMCC Catalog" link
- Want to find articles (from magazines, newspapers or journals)? --> Click on the "Academic Search Premier" link or the "MasterFile Premier" link
In either case you'll be taken to source of information that directly relate to your topic. Libraries are about making your academic life more efficient and we think CREDO does that pretty well.
If you're reading this blog and you're about to graduate or have already graduated your chance to use this cool tool hasn't passed. The Evans Library welcomes and encourages all FM alumni to use our resources. Stop by the Circulation Desk to learn how you can sign-up for an alumni borrower card. And once again, Congratulations Graduates!