Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Book Club's Reading...Water for Elephants!

Need Something to Do (or Read) over Thanksgiving Break?

It might not come as a surprise, but the newly formed Book Club at FMCC is reading a book!

The Book Club has chosen Sara Gruen's novel Water for Elephants as their first "official" read.

We'd love to tell you more about this book (hint: it's about water. And elephants :)) but then what would we talk about on December 3rd at 12:30 in the Dorn Room (second floor of the Evans Library)?

For those of you who aren't aware, the Book Club is an open club at FM, anyone can join. The only requirements are that you like to read, talk about what you've read and help us out as we work to bring our love of books to the community. Sounds easy, right?

Oh, and you get free copies (first come, first serve) of the books that we're reading. Which made some people really excited to start reading.

Some people got really, really, really excited!

There's a few (well, okay, two) copies left of Water for Elephants. Feel free to stop into L-102 and grab one. Of course, if you have your own copy you're welcome to bring that to the next meeting. We'll be discussing Chapters 1-8.

See you there!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Print Management Systems @ The Evans Library

News Flash - Conservation is in!

In an effort to be more environmentally -
and economically - responsible; The Evans Library has installed two new Print Management Systems to help cut down on the amount of wasted ink & paper on campus.

The four printers have be relocated closer to the Reference Desk. They are all still labeled.

Printer 1 and Printer 2...

...and Printer 3 and Printer 4.

The two new systems allow students to "release" their print jobs. It's a simple process.

Here's the steps to print:
1. Push print at your computer (just like you always do).
2. There is a sign next to your computer that will tell you which computer you are at and to which printer your job will be sent.
3. Go to the printer. Next to each set of printers there is a monitor and and a mouse.

4. You should see your computer name, document title, number of pages, and some other information to help you identify your print job.
5. Highlight your print job and hit the print button - that's it!

REMEMBER: You can always ask us for help.

If you printed your document more than once or printed a 75 page document that you only needed the first few pages of - not to worry! Just leave the print job in the system and it will delete itself after an hour or so.

The staff at the library understands that printing is a vital service available to students at FMCC. We know you need to do it (we all do). So, we are not waggin' our fingers at you - we're just trying to make the the library a more "Earth Friendly" place.