Monday, December 6, 2010

MORE Computers!

I wish the Library had
More Computers --

(So, tell us what you really think…!!!)

Just kidding :) -- We’ve heard this particular wish before and hope to have some answers that address your concerns.

The quick answer is we hope to have additional computers in the Library shortly. There are plans to add a computing lab on the 2nd floor that will be used exclusively for academic purposes. Keep an eye out for more details come Spring 2011!

Also, please remember that if you’re having difficulty finding computers for academic work because “everyone is Facebooking & Game Playing” just ask for help at one of the service desks. You can check out our Wed, Nov 10th blog post which addresses similar concerns about our computer resources.

Other than that, it is unlikely we’ll be adding more computers to the public areas of the library. We now have 43 computer on the 1st floor, 12 on the 2nd (not including the 25 stations in the Information Literacy Classroom), 6 in the Math Lab, 8 in the Writing Center and 6 laptops for checkout: 100 computers in all! For a library our size with our current staff, that’s quite a lot of technology (not to mention users) to manage!

And so, with the computers we have, those we plan on adding, and a bit of staff intervention, is your wish met???

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why does the library…hardly ever get vacuumed and leave dead flies all over.

We apologize for the dead flies. The library does get vacuumed regularly. Keeping the library clean and presentable is a full-time job for the college’s maintenance crew. We will let them know that the fly situation is a problem, particularly in the silent study room and ask them to pay extra attention to that area. We would also ask for every students continued support in keeping the library clean. If you see something wrong, let us know. Remind students, politely of course, to clean up after themselves. We will be sure to monitor the library space and ensure it is presentable.

You may have also noticed that the college has placed new, large, blue trash and recyclable cans around campus. In the library, these new containers are located at the top of the stairs and near the door to the back stairs as well as near the main entrance.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Facebooking & Game Playing on Computers

Why does the library…. Allow people to be on facebook & play games when students need the computers for school work. All computers were used I see 5 people on facebook.

We’re sorry that you had difficulty using the library computers for your work. The primary function of the Evans Library is to support the academic work of students, faculty, and all other patrons and it’s disturbing when any user feels they can’t get their work done.
At this time, the library allows for more ‘non-academic’ use than we would normally do, due to the fact that there are no other places on campus for students to connect with family and friends, check their email, watch the latest game, or even to play games. There is also a “gray area” in terms of social networking sites -- more and more instructors are taking advantage of such tools to enhance their courses and to provide alternate means of communication between class members.

Social use should never, however, interfere with students’ and other users’ ability to use the library’s resources for academic purposes.

In the future if you can’t find a computer, please go to one of the service desks which are located on the first floor; the Reference Desk is in the back and the Circulation Desk is at the entrance. The Library staff will help you locate an unused computer on the first or second floor or make a general announcement directed at those users not doing academic work. We commonly make such announcements and have found our users to be very accommodating (you will often see several users immediately closing their sessions and handing over their computers!). There are also several laptops available for use inside the building that may serve your needs.
We can also tell you that the campus is currently looking for areas outside the Library that will have ‘social computing’ equipment for students who primarily want to play or socialize. If you believe this kind of space is needed (and we here at the Evans Library do!), please share your story with your student government representatives and/or the College’s administration.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

2nd Floor Door in Library

Why does the library not place an 'open door slowly' sign on the upstairs door that goes down to the rest rooms? Even better, would be to place a small window down low on the door so both sides can see what is going on. This is an extreme hazard because there is no way to catch yourself if pushed backward by the opening door. An Open Door slowly sign or a window would help make the library safer. :)

Excellent idea, there should be a sign to warn people entering the stairwell to open door slowly. Also we all must use common sense when entering the library’s second floor from the stairwell to be prepared for the door to open—as with many doors. What do you think of the signs that we put up? :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power source for Laptops

Why does the library have... so few locations with power for laptops?

I wish I had better news for you. The lack of power is due both to the age of the building (1968!) and the difficulty with retro-fitting it for current needs. In order to provide the kind of power required by today’s tech-savvy students, there would have to be a major renovation of both floors, which would involve asbestos abatement, relocation of furniture and people, and more time and money than the campus can devote at this time. Such a renovation is in the preliminary planning stage, but will probably not occur in the foreseeable future.

That being said, we’ve done our best to provide electricity in as many places as we can. If you are looking for power and don’t see any available, please ask one of our staff members; perhaps we can find a spot that you hadn’t noticed. One area that seems to get overlooked is our “Silent Study”, the red zone located in the corner on the second floor. There is power along two walls and in the center area – and that room has the added benefit of being one of our quieter locations!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Graphic Novels

I wish the library would…

Have more graphic novels on display like Maus, Scott Pilgrim or Persepolis.

The library actually owns Maus I (Call #D810.J4 S643) and Maus II (Call #D804.3 S66). We have Persepolis too (Call #PN6747.S245 P4713). And while they are not on display downstairs; they are on “display” upstairs in the book stacks. Unfortunately we don’t own any of the Scott Pilgrim series, but you can request that we get them from another library for you via interlibrary loan (affectionately known as ILL in the library world). A quick search of the SUNY Catalog shows several Scott Pilgrim titles and that a few different libraries own them. To use the SUNY Catalog go here: Do your search & click on the title you want. Next click on the “Request item” link, find your campus and you’re well on your way. If you need help completing the request – just ask one of the library staff. And, we do buy books “on request”, so if you have any additional titles you would like to see, please let us know and we’ll consider them for purchase.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Computer Help

I like that the Library…Has Great Computer Help! :)

Thanks! The Evans Library staff, including Librarians, Support Staff and Learning Commons Assistants (LCAs) work very hard to make sure that you have the skills and “know-how” when it comes to using our computers for your courses and academic needs.
Don’t forget that we also offer some other really great services in the Evans Library & Learning Commons to support your learning:

• Reference Librarians who can work with you to get your started finding useful resources (books, articles) for your research assignments
• Silent and Group study areas thorough the Library
• Writing Center on the 1st Floor where one-on-one tutoring helps your improve your writing
• And remember, if you're taking a computer class and need more help, the Learning Center provides peer tutors!
• Math Lab on the 2nd Floor where one-on-one tutoring services are available for Math, Statistics and Physics courses
We’re so much more than computers! Get to know us!

Monday, May 17, 2010

More Library Space...

I wish the Library would…Get Bigger

Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately we don’t know of any plans in the near future for the expansion of the Library. We are however planning some changes over the summer months that will let us (and you!) take better advantage of the space that we have.
Besides the most obvious change, the new entrance to the Library, over the summer we’ll be:
• Re-locating circulating books (R-Z) from the first floor to the second floor
• Re-arranging and moving numerous computers on the first and second floor and
• Moving the Reference desk to a more central location on the first floor
Let us know what you think!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quiet Study

I wish the Library would…have more quiet places to work in! With dinos :)

We could not agree more!! One of the most consistent suggestions we receive is to reduce the volume in the Library (particularly during the Common Hour). While we’re hard at work on possible solutions (and welcome your suggestions), for the time being, here’s what you can do:
· Take advantage of the Silent Study Room, Dorn Room and Group study rooms on the second floor (if you’re unsure where these are, just ask)
· Remember that the Information Literacy classroom (L-207) is open for Academic work during Common Hour. The schedule is posted to your left, as well as at the Circulation Desk, Reference Desk and door of L-207
· Let us know! Despite our best efforts, we’re often unaware of disruptions/noisy areas that crop up during the day. So, don’t be afraid to speak to a Librarian or any of the Library staff.
· Be heard – student voices make things happen. Voice your concerns elsewhere – at Student Government meetings, with teachers, administrators, etc. You can help!

Monday, March 29, 2010

More computers!!

I wish the Library would…have more computers!

As you’re probably aware, the Evans Library & Learning Commons has close to 60(!) computers that are available for your use on the first and second floors.
What you might not be aware of is the 5 laptops that are available to check-out at the Circulation Desk. You might not also be aware of the 25 computers that are available during “Open Hours” in L-207 (schedule to your left). Please remember also that anytime you need a computer for academic use you can inquire at the Reference Desk and a Librarian will help you locate one.
While we understand that this might not meet all the computing needs of all our users, we feel that the number of computers we currently have best fits our current space. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Computer Log-ins

I wish the Library would…change the “ID number” field to a six character limit, to match our student ID#. Then, have that field “auto tab” to the “Last Name” field. This would allow for ease of use and faster access.

This is a great suggestion and it makes a lot of sense. We are always looking for ways to make our resources easier to use and to allow you quicker access to those resources. The Systems & Electronic Services Librarian has weekly meeting and updates with the IT Department. He will bring this issue up in the next update (which happens on Friday afternoons). To be sure, there will a bit of coding that will need to happen to make this a reality…until then bear with us!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Noise in the Library

Why does the Library…tolerate much noise when the Library is supposed to be a quiet place for study?
I wish the Library would…tell student [sic] to make conversation outside of Library premises; at Student Union Building.
I wish the Library would be a quiet place to study and do research! The staff is very helpful!!

We’re going to answer all these suggestions and comments at once because they all address the same issues – the atmosphere of the Evans Library. While we like to think we make everyone happy all the time, these comments are great reminders to us (and everyone else) that what is a comfortable level of noise for one person might be a loud distraction for another person.
That’s part of the reason we developed the zones in the Library. We do our best to make sure that people understand the expectations of behavior in each colored zone, but we also rely on you to let us know when something’s amiss. Please don’t hesitate to alert a staff member when you think a yellow, red, or even green zone has gone beyond the expectation.
Please also remember the numerous spaces that are in the Evans Library.
There’s the group study rooms, the Information Literacy classroom (L-207) and the Quiet Study Room – all spaces that hopefully provide options for you to find a place that’s comfortable and conducive to studying.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Printing assignments

I wish the Library would…have a “quick print” station that is ONLY for printing assignments. It could already be logged in or have a 5 minute limit.

So do we! We’ve been working to put such a system in place and we hope (fingers crossed) to have it finalized soon. We realize that it often takes longer to log-in the PCs in the Library & Learning Commons than it does to actually print a paper! And when all you need to do is print a paper that is a real problem! Please remember that the Information Literacy Classroom (L-207) is open during peak hours (the schedule is posted to at the Circulation Desk and Reference Desk as well as online) for students looking to do academic work (and we consider printing papers to be just that). Thanks for writing and stay tuned!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Computer Usage

I wish the Library would…allow anyone to login into the computers. For instance, I’m starting college next semester and I had to fill out and complete online papers. I had no internet access at my house and I was not able to do what I needed to do.

Yikes! This one is our fault.

While we have specific policies in place in terms of who can access our computers, and how they are able to do so (students at FM need their FM ID card, community residents need to fill out an application for a community borrower’s card at the Circulation Desk, etc.), we never want any of our users to feel like they can’t accomplish what they need to in the Evans Library – as long as it follows our policies and is legalJ.
Hopefully by this time you’ve obtained your student ID card and can access our computers. But for those in similar situations in the future, please speak with a Reference Librarian. We’re sure that we can help you find a solution to your problem – or at least try really hard!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Library Hours

I wish the Library would…adjust their hours of operation to incorporate weekends or nights; especially some of the labs. Understandable it is unrealistic to staff the lab 24/7; however opening and closing at different times or for a few hours on Sunday would give a greater opportunity for students to learn, especially those that may also be juggling full-time jobs and children with school. Thank you for your time.

Thanks for your comments. You’ll be glad to know that starting Sunday, February 7, 2010 the Evans Library & Learning Commons will be open from 4:00pm-8:00pm. We’ve also adjusted our Saturday hours; this semester we’ll be open from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Hopefully this provides more opportunity for you (and others) to take advantage of our services. You’ll also be pleased to know that eTutoring ( – which is available 24/7 – will soon be operational. This services will let you ask questions on various academic subjects as well as submit papers to online writing tutors. Be on the lookout this week for more announcements about this new service.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Suggestion Box Comment 1/13/10

I like that the Library…
1) Exists
2) is full of well-educated staff members that are helpful, willing and flexible for all that want to learn. Special thanks to Mike for his well versed knowledge of locating sources and Colleen for her devotion. Thanks to All!
3) has Adam as a computer helper. I used to be afraid of microcomputers until Adam started helping me. He’s the best instructor that ever helped me. He is the best helper in the Library. He knows everything when it comes to computers.

We’re thrilled that you find the Evans Library & Learning Commons staff to be helpful! That’s why we’re here!! And we love helping! You’ve set high expectations and we’re going to do our best to make sure that we continue to meet them.
-The Evans Library Staff