Monday, March 29, 2010

More computers!!

I wish the Library would…have more computers!

As you’re probably aware, the Evans Library & Learning Commons has close to 60(!) computers that are available for your use on the first and second floors.
What you might not be aware of is the 5 laptops that are available to check-out at the Circulation Desk. You might not also be aware of the 25 computers that are available during “Open Hours” in L-207 (schedule to your left). Please remember also that anytime you need a computer for academic use you can inquire at the Reference Desk and a Librarian will help you locate one.
While we understand that this might not meet all the computing needs of all our users, we feel that the number of computers we currently have best fits our current space. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Computer Log-ins

I wish the Library would…change the “ID number” field to a six character limit, to match our student ID#. Then, have that field “auto tab” to the “Last Name” field. This would allow for ease of use and faster access.

This is a great suggestion and it makes a lot of sense. We are always looking for ways to make our resources easier to use and to allow you quicker access to those resources. The Systems & Electronic Services Librarian has weekly meeting and updates with the IT Department. He will bring this issue up in the next update (which happens on Friday afternoons). To be sure, there will a bit of coding that will need to happen to make this a reality…until then bear with us!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Noise in the Library

Why does the Library…tolerate much noise when the Library is supposed to be a quiet place for study?
I wish the Library would…tell student [sic] to make conversation outside of Library premises; at Student Union Building.
I wish the Library would be a quiet place to study and do research! The staff is very helpful!!

We’re going to answer all these suggestions and comments at once because they all address the same issues – the atmosphere of the Evans Library. While we like to think we make everyone happy all the time, these comments are great reminders to us (and everyone else) that what is a comfortable level of noise for one person might be a loud distraction for another person.
That’s part of the reason we developed the zones in the Library. We do our best to make sure that people understand the expectations of behavior in each colored zone, but we also rely on you to let us know when something’s amiss. Please don’t hesitate to alert a staff member when you think a yellow, red, or even green zone has gone beyond the expectation.
Please also remember the numerous spaces that are in the Evans Library.
There’s the group study rooms, the Information Literacy classroom (L-207) and the Quiet Study Room – all spaces that hopefully provide options for you to find a place that’s comfortable and conducive to studying.